Sunday, October 27, 2013

Century Plant Triplets--16th & Final Week, 3 2 1 0

Gone. Gone. No Lefty left anymore. From three century plants to none, it's been an interesting mission to photograph he plants weekly and publish the articles for 16 weeks straight. Read the entire article at and comment there, please.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Century Plant Triplets--15th Week, Lefty and Another Week Still

Lefty looks nearly identical as in the previous week's pix. One obvious difference is about 1/4 the distance up, to the left of the metal pole. The June 3 pic shows a white object, the June 10 pic doesn't. Read the entire article at and comment there, please.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Century Plant Triplets--14th Week, Lefty and Another Week

On June 3, Lefty still stands, and with bloom clusters, but taking on a darker look than in the previous week. Read the entire article at and comment there, please.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Century Plant Triplets--13th Week, 3 Successive Leftys

Comparative pix can affect perception. The pixstrip shows Lefty for May 13, 20, 27. Note that for each of those picture days, the sky conditions seem to correlate with Lefty's bloom clusters condition. Read the entire article at and comment there, please.