Thursday, May 30, 2019

Mexican hats el 5 de mayo, no mas el 7 de mayo

To bee'd

Or not to bee'd

During a short walk on Sunday, May 5, I took a few pix of some small clutches of Mexican hat flowers. On May 7, nowhere to be found! Fortunately for me, more recently, I did manage to spot additional crops of Mexican hats and took pix and video. Read the entire article and comment there, please.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Blue Heron Sighting, Swans, and 12 Days of Christmas Connection

During this morning's walk, we spotted a pair of birds flying overhead. Companion speculated swans. A nearby homeowner who also spotted them declared they were blue herons. I had figured "swans" was not feasible. "They don't fly," I thought. Or do they? Read the entire article and comment there, please.