Saturday, March 30, 2013

Square Mini and Whoopie Muffin Experiment

This article describes my experiment of using cake mix for making muffins in a whoopie pan and a silicone pan that has square wells. If Elaine had whoopie pans, she might have been able to bake only muffin tops instead of whole muffins that she couldn't get rid of the stems. Read the entire article at and comment there, please.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Waits N Measures, Baking Pans N Papers

I'm big on baking. I bake frequently enough to know what I'm doing, but still need to consult with recipes online and in books. This article has baking info about pans, capacities, baking times, and more, including table formatting. Read the entire article at and comment there, please.